love loves love....this is where pain comes in, when you love and care for people or someone special, but its never returned at the same level its given. The one who cares and loves the less gains the most and the one who loves and cares the most will always endure the most pain. I usually find myself in the position of the one caring the most. Friends tell me the most simple solution, and its true, is to just care less. But i cant its not who i am. Oh well. Pain seems to be my constant lover, if only i were truly a masochist. No im not depressed, well not for long anyways, I always find something to distract me. Just lately its harder and harder to find distractions, not when you care so much more than you should, so much that you just find yourself thinking about them even if you dont know much.
But lets go back to focus on this somewhat objectively and intellectually. The statement That Love loves love is plain enough and i believe that in a general consensus i am right in that regard. But mostly what i would like to focus on is whether or not its true that the one that cares the most is the one who endures the most pain. That the one who cares the less, even slightly, is the one in the better position emotionally. To be honest i dont know how to analyze this, for me it seems absolutely true but that is due to my experiences. Everyone has different experiences and therefore have a different point of view something that should be respected even if its not agreeable to some individuals. Im interested to see a small debate on this subject even though i understand this isnt the best place to hold one.
No, you are right on. Those who love the most are the ones who risk the most and are hurt the most. But there is more to it than that. Those who refuse to love and close themselves off to love in order to not be hurt are always the ones who are hardhearted, cynical, unfulfilled and unhappy. We are made in God's image and God is love. To close ourselves off from love is to cut off the very essence of who we are and why we are here. As much as love hurts and i've been there and done that, to not love is far more devistating in the long run, and the one who refuses love is the one who pays ultimately.